

Working on Common Lisp projects and documentation, on free software for bookshops

vindarel receives €0.00 per week from 0 patrons.
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I've been working on Abelujo for years now, both during work-free periods and in parallel of my job. It's still fun, but there is so much to be done. What if I could afford a bigger part time of my current part time job ?

You are invited to tip to share the few fixed expenses (server) and to show your support ! 

I'm also now working quite a lot in Common Lisp, with the not-so-hidden goal to rewrite Abelujo's Python app in it. You can follow my lisp journey here: https://lisp-journey.gitlab.io/ I am also the main writer of the CL Cookbook (by far) and the main commiter of the "Awesome-cl" list.

Tipping helps me spend more time on those projects, since at the moment I can share my time quite freely between open source and commercial projects.

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vindarel joined 7 years ago.

Income per week (in Euro)

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