
YewTube - searx.be - xcancel.com

Donating to yewtu.be, searx.be and nitter.unixfox.eu

yewtube receives €28.46 per week from 41 patrons.
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Every day YewTube handle 40 million requests and 2TB (2000GB) of bandwidth. All this traffic has a cost.

By donating, you are helping me cover the costs and also improve the user experience because I'll be able to rent more powerful servers.

I truly thank you if you consider donating to YewTube.


Every day searx.be handle 20 million requests and 1TB (1000GB) of bandwidth. All this traffic has a cost.

By donating, you are helping me cover the costs and also improve the user experience because I'll be able to rent more powerful servers.

I truly thank you if you consider donating to searx.be.


xcancel.com is using multiple X/Twitter accounts in order to not have X/Twitter blocking the service.

By donating you are allowing me to keep a working experience with Nitter because I'll be able to keep active more twitter accounts in order to reduce the likeness of being blocked by X/Twitter.

I truly thank you if you consider donating to xcancel.com.


yewtube joined 3 years ago.

Income Per Week (in Euro)

Number of Patrons Per Week