
Suhas Dissanayake

Passionate about Android app development and Graphic Design.

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Hi, I'm Suhas,

I am a 20-year-old Android app developer from Sri Lanka. I am passionate about creating beautiful and user-friendly apps that make a difference in people's lives. I am also a long time member and contributor of the YouApps organization, a group of developers who are passionate about building modern, privacy friendly Android apps.

Linked Accounts

suhas_d owns the following accounts on other platforms:


Food-E-App Stars 59 Updated 7 months ago

An app to get information about artificial additives found in Processed foods. You can search for additives by names or by E Codes (aka INS codes)

MemerizeApp Stars 31 Updated 1 year ago

Android app to view Memes


suhas_d joined 1 year ago.

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