
Pontus Östlund

Programming is not a profession, it's a lifestyle

poppanator receives SEK0.00 per week from 0 patrons.
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I like programming on my spare-time event though I program at work.

I share all my personal code on Github, so if anyone else by any chance would find some code useful it's free to use.

Linked Accounts

poppanator owns the following accounts on other platforms:


key-value-file Stars 1 Updated 1 month ago

Simple key/value file parser/writer

sveltekit-svg Stars 228 Updated 1 month ago

SvelteKit plugin that makes it possible to import SVG files as Svelte components, inline SVG code or urls

string-walker Stars 0 Updated 3 months ago

Navigate within a string

http-helpers-ts Stars 1 Updated 1 year ago

HTTP helper modules for Javascript/Typescript

safe-result Stars 3 Updated 1 year ago

Value that is either a success or failure

svelte-store-enhanced Stars 0 Updated 1 year ago

Enhanced Svelte Stores


poppanator joined 1 year ago.

Income Per Week (in Swedish Krona)

Number of Patrons Per Week