

Developing free software with a focus on usability

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Hi everyone! I've been developing free software for quite some time, always experimenting new approaches to software development and focusing on easy to use tools and APIs.

Pretty much every project I create/work on is open source, from simple libraries and tools to full applications and games. Making good software projects demand a lot of time, so any help supporting this work is appreciated!

Linked Accounts

gilzoide owns the following accounts on other platforms:


godot-dockable-container Stars 186 Updated 3 months ago

Dockable/tiling UI panels Container addon for Godot

godot-dispatch-queue Stars 39 Updated 4 months ago

Threaded and synchronous Dispatch Queues for Godot

godot-lua-pluginscript Stars 301 Updated 1 year ago

Godot PluginScript for the Lua language, currently based on LuaJIT's FFI

nested Stars 1 Updated 2 years ago

A generic nested data structure file format, where data is formed by nested lists with both sequential data and key-value paired data.

stringstream-lua Stars 0 Updated 2 years ago

An object that loads chunks of strings on demand compatible with a subset of the Lua string API suitable for parsing

molde Stars 6 Updated 2 years ago

Zero dependency, single file template engine for Lua 5.1+ with builtin sandbox support

high-level-gdnative Stars 19 Updated 2 years ago

Single header GDNative high level API for C/C++

pega-texto Stars 18 Updated 2 years ago

Single-file Parsing Expression Grammars (PEG) runtime engine for C

unity-playerloophelper Stars 1 Updated 3 years ago

Single file helper class for registering/unregistering systems in Unity's PlayerLoop.

raylib-meson-template Stars 17 Updated 3 years ago

Minimal template project for C/C++ applications using raylib built using Meson

inclua Stars 12 Updated 3 years ago

C to scripting languages wrapper generator, INitialy for binding C to LUA

c_api_extract-py Stars 6 Updated 3 years ago

Automatic extraction of C APIs from header files using Python and libclang

godot-input-key-event-grabber Stars 7 Updated 3 years ago

Godot plugin with a button that grabs key events and populate an InputEventKey instance, great for creating ShortCut resources

draw-over Stars 16 Updated 3 years ago

Drawing application with support for transparent background, working both as a drawing board or on-screen annotation tool

raise-and-shine Stars 5 Updated 3 years ago

Height map editor with automatic normal map generation for 2D textures

gargula Stars 4 Updated 4 years ago

Game engine based on nested structs and compile-time tree traversals powered by raylib and D compatible with betterC

bettercmath Stars 10 Updated 4 years ago

A -betterC compatible 3D math library for D

c-allocators Stars 3 Updated 4 years ago

A collection of public domain single-file custom allocators for C/C++

betterclist Stars 4 Updated 4 years ago

A -betterC compatible dynamic list backed by array for D

flyweightbyid Stars 0 Updated 4 years ago

A -betterC compatible Flyweight template based on explicit named ids for D


gilzoide joined 4 years ago.

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