

Software to Support the Open-Source Community

elucid8 receives $0.00 per week from 0 patrons.
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All of my projects share a common goal: to simplify and modernize useful tools. When extending existing tools; like vim, my philosophy is to avoid re-inventing what is already provided and amplify the tool's given strengths. My approach is pragmaticism and the avoidance of dogma and platform lock-in (walled gardens).

I'm heavily inspired by the unix and suckless philosophies, as well as the timeless k.i.s.s. philosophy. When starting a new project, I don't look to trends or fads, but rather time-tested standards.

New software projects is often chosen based on it's importance to my audience or to fill a specific gap or need that is of general usefulness (not too niche or esoteric). My target audience is the novice programmer and general users with intermediate computer literacy. Feedback, criticism and contribution from end-users is highly encouraged and appreciated.

Thank you for your support!

Linked Accounts

elucid8 owns the following accounts on other platforms:


lucidvim Stars 1 Updated 3 years ago

An out-of-the-box vim distribution for programmers


elucid8 joined 4 years ago.

Income Per Week (in US Dollar)

Number of Patrons Per Week