
Manuel Castañón

Fantasy illustrator, concept artist and aspiring writer, creator of Iron Vessel.

Treelancer receives PLN0.00 per week from 0 patrons.
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My name is Manuel Castañón, I'm working on creating a low fantasy worldbuilding and storytelling project: Iron Vessel I would love to be able to do so full time, and while access to the project will befree for everyone to enjoy, I need to pay the bills! This account is part of that, and I'm extremely grateful for any donation or support.

Here are my social media links for you to follow the project, mainly via youtube and instagram but I'm working on a personal website https://linktr.ee/treelancer

Thank you for reading,




Treelancer joined 10 months ago.

Income Per Week (in Polish Zloty)

Number of Patrons Per Week