
Heiko Tietze


Scrabble3D has 0 patrons.


The software Scrabble3D and the online game server are open source projects, completely free of charge, with no advertisements, and all rights to the users.

Linked Accounts

Scrabble3D owns the following accounts on other platforms:


Dictionaries Stars 1 Updated 2 weeks ago

Dictionaries used by Scrabble3D

Binaries Stars 2 Updated 2 months ago

Latest executable

4.0 Stars 6 Updated 2 months ago

Source code and resources to compile with Qt6/Qml

Localizations Stars 1 Updated 10 months ago

Translation of Scrabble3D UI created with Qt localization tools


Scrabble3D joined 2 years ago.

Income Per Week (in Euro)

Number of Patrons Per Week