

My channel is about (LIVE) nature and planet. (FUN) making crazy & funny stuff. (DIY) Tutorials

LiveFunAndDIY has 0 patrons.


Dreamer & MakerĀ® My channel is about (LIVE) nature and planet. (FUN) making crazy & funny stuff. (DIY) Tutorials with creative and cool ideas!

I have already explained the meaning of the channel now I will explain what kind of content you will see.

I want this channel to become full of "FAN FILM", "LIVE ACTION VIDEOS", "AMAZING HOW TO", "LOW BUDGET DIY", "COSPLAY AND GAMES DIY".

To do this I need your support then so Don't Forget To Subscribe The Channel / Share Your Thought Through Comments / Give Thumbs.

PS. do not forget to use my tags! #LiveFunAndDIY #LiveFunDIY

(((I will show my face to a million members, for now it is a mystery :P )))

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LiveFunAndDIY joined 7 years ago.

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